
Bjorn the polar bear must move to South America because his home is melting. The story tackles the difficulties of moving and the troubles of getting used to such a foreign environment. The game takes place over 6 weeks, with Bjorn having to start his new job as an air conditioning repair polar bear, while doing this job the player will meet residents of his new home town, thereby making friends and slowly coming to realize that there is a new home for him here.


The player can explore Bjorn the polar bear’s house, as well as the houses of the AC repair clients. When Bjorn gets a new job, the player does minigames to fix the air conditioning units. This has the player engage with a variety of increasingly challenging mechanics, mimicking the sense of mastery that Bjorn develops with his new job.


We created Polar Bear AC Repair in two months during the first year of our graduate course at the National Film and Television School.


ben knight: game designer, programmer, technical designer and more
julia spinola: game designer, narrative designer, level designer and more

written by aleksandra sykulak and jack maraghy

sound design by conor thompson and lewis goody

music by jack mccartney and matthew knight

contact us

ben knight -
julia spinola -